Unitingcare Community Enterprise Agreement 2015

The UnitingCare Community Enterprise Agreement of 2015 is an important document that outlines the working conditions for employees of UnitingCare in Australia. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for employees, including wages, hours of work, leave entitlements, training and development opportunities, and other benefits.

One of the key objectives of this agreement is to ensure that employees are treated fairly and equitably in terms of their working conditions and remuneration. The agreement also aims to promote a positive and productive working environment, where employees are valued and supported in their roles.

The UnitingCare Community Enterprise Agreement of 2015 is a result of extensive consultation and negotiation between UnitingCare and the relevant trade unions. The agreement is binding on both parties and provides a framework for resolving any disputes that may arise.

Under this agreement, employees of UnitingCare are entitled to a range of benefits and entitlements, including:

– A minimum wage rate that is above the national minimum wage

– Penalty rates for working outside of regular business hours, including weekends and public holidays

– Paid annual leave, sick leave, parental leave, and other types of leave

– Training and development opportunities, including access to vocational courses and on-the-job training

– Health and safety protections, including safe working conditions and access to workers` compensation

The UnitingCare Community Enterprise Agreement of 2015 also includes provisions for resolving disputes between employees and UnitingCare. In the event of a dispute, employees can lodge a complaint with their supervisor or human resources department. If the matter cannot be resolved internally, employees can seek assistance from their union representative or lodge a complaint with the Fair Work Commission.

In conclusion, the UnitingCare Community Enterprise Agreement of 2015 is an important document that outlines the working conditions and entitlements for employees of UnitingCare. This agreement ensures that employees are treated fairly and equitably, and provides a framework for resolving any disputes that may arise. As a result, UnitingCare is able to provide its employees with a positive and productive working environment, where they are valued and supported in their roles.